Over the years, WASI has collected an extensive collection of book, references, magazines and videos, the bulk of the books in this library collection came from a generous donation by the estate of George Thompson. In 2005 several dozen volumes were donated by Mr. James Ransom, retired. These books deal primarily with both manned and unmanned spaceflight as well as detailing the history of rocket development in Germany, Russia, and the United States.
Reserving Books
Books may be borrowed only by WASI members in good standing. There are two procedures for checking out a book. Both involve the use of e-mail:
1. Send e-mail to the librarian specifying those books that you wish to check out. The librarian will reply via e-mail informing you of their availability. If available, you may be directed to pick up your books at the following monthly meeting. You may click here in order to reserve books.
2. You can visit the library by appointment. Simply send e-mail to the librarian and indicate the time you would prefer to stop by. Please include daytime and evening phone numbers. You will be contacted in order to confirm the appointment. You may click here in order to make an appointment to visit the library.
If the book is already out you will be placed on a wait list. Certain restrictions may apply for “reference” volumes and antique books.
The librarian is Curtis Roelle.