Club Meeting Presentations Repository
This blog page serves as a new permanent record of speaker’s presentations and photos taken during the meetings. Please submit any entries to the webmaster.
February 9th 2022 meeting:
WASI’s own Co-Founder and Board member Curt Roelle presents: “I’m Driftin'”
September 9th 2021 meeting:
Passcode: 6?QWcJ7T
July 14th 2021 meeting:
Dr. Larry Lebofsky, PhD. University of Arizona:
Passcode: D%3*=LAx
December 9th 2020 meeting:
Kirsten Banks and Wiradjuri Astronomy. Follow this link to our recorded session with an Australian Astronomy PhD student!
April 8th 2020 meeting:
Steve Conard and Vanessa Thomas
The April 8th 2020 meeting was the Club’s first online Zoom meeting during the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine. Club President Chris Bennett hosted the meeting and our speakers were Steve Conard, who spoke on the New Horizon’s Parallax Project and our current Board Chairman, Vanessa Thomas who spoke on the 30th Anniversary of The Hubble Telescope. Our Outreach Coordinator, Skip Bird, reminded everyone that you can still do outreach to your neighbors–wear a mask, get the telescope out in your front or back yard and invite your neighbors over for a peek at the moon, Venus or another astronomical gem.
March 11 2020 meeting:
Dr. Pankaj “Doc” Desai — “On Stars”
At our last in-person meeting at Bear Branch prior to the COVID-19 meeting restrictions, Dr. Desai was kind enough to give us two presentations, one on On Stars and the other on Covid-19, how SARS-CoV-2 works as a respiratory virus and why the social distancing restrictions are necessary and how they will help to flatten the curve, or to help reduce the maximum volume of urgent cases that have to be dealt with in our hospitals.
Ultima Thule Flyby!
VP Steve Conard
February 13th 2019:
Club VP, and NASA Engineer Steve Conard gave WASI members a detailed update on the Ultima Thule flyby that occurred on January 1st 2019, and shared the up to date, latest imagery of Ultima Thule as of that date. Since then more high resolution images have come down as well of this interesting Kuiper Belt Object. Steve is the engineer who designed the LORRI imager, an 8″ Schmidt Camera constructed completely of silicon carbide. Download his complete presentation.

Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute, National Optical Astronomy Observatory. This image is a composite of 9 high resolution LORRI images.
Show and Telescope:
November 14th 2018
Nov 14th 2018, we had a “Show and Tel” of a different sort–a Show and Telescope event where folks brought in one or more of their telescopes to show off to the club.
Here is club President, Chris Bennett with one of his telescope rigs:

Here is Bill Ryan with his Astrophotography rig:

This young man has a classic 8″ f/6 SkyWatcher DOB:

Got Photos? Even if you weren’t able to make it, send the webmaster your photo and he’ll post a picture of your rig(s) here to share with the club: